Mt Franklin, Sleepy chat about pain & dense energies
Talking about what I got out of the book “A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie”, synchronicity about I Ching. She’s deluding herself into not trusting her own negative thoughts, which is a good way to be but I feel she’s dismissing so much of the mystery – life’s syncronicities. Permission Slip / Placebo effect. Agreed-upon rules of reality. I like being in reality-mode right now; not taking on anything as truth unless I’ve personally experienced it. Being around dense energies = you harmonize with that.. so you can be drained by other people’s energies, or you can work on your own pain so that you’re coming from a place of wholeness, so that you’re not part of their problem. Work has helped me see how my energy affects other people and what I need to do around people with low vibrations. Other people who are consciously raising their energies are helping with the vibe of the overall energies. Blab about refusing to do the work on myself because my ego thought it was “everyone else”. Realizing that if I’m not dragging adversity around with me, then I’m lessening other people’s pain. I see their pain and feel their pain – but it’s not their pain I’m feeling – it’s my pain. If I can work on my own pain, then I’ll no longer be affected by the same things that I “feel” that others are affected by, and I can help them more by coming with a less-dense energy myself. Also, going to test out something I learnt in Byron Katie’s book to help with my procrastination problem with my biz – when you have a thought to do something.. just do it.
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