Joining Online Communities for Business
Find online communities where people who love “The Secret” hang out..
Obviously, the people who will want to buy SGR and who will want to become your affiliate, will be others who really loved “The Secret” movie or book.
And the great thing is, that we absolutely love The Secret, The Law of Attraction, and The Science of Getting Rich, so be-friending people who are like us, is not a problem.. ! :)
The ideal way to contact them, is to join communities, and be active in those communities. After a friendship develops, the discussion will come up, and you’ll be able to give them the free book from your squeeze page and see if they are interested in buying the product or becoming a free affiliate.
Now, there is a very specific way to do this. If you send them out a blanket form email/chat that looks like it was never intended to be read by an individual human being, it probably won’t be!
People aren’t impressed by people selling a great opportunity or product, they are more likely to respond to you if you are a friend, or just saying hello.
You see it everywhere, you probably have a tonne of people who try to send you their affiliate links for all sorts of things already, and I don’t know anyone that likes to be sold to by someone they don’t know.. not unless they are already “Famous”.
Be genuinely courteous and kind and once you have established a bit of a relationship, THEN you can talk to them about SGR.
Don’t go in with a pitch.
After it becomes a topic of conversation, give them the free PDF book that you have branded.
If they like it, you can talk about your site, blog, list, or invite them to your group if if they are interested.
Don’t be a pushy pain in the ass. If they say no, they are still a good potential contact, and they are still a human being. Treat them with respect. Accept the no and move on.
Here are the steps for developing these relationships
- Develop a Real Relationship
- Give Them a Free Copy
- Be Sure They See the Good Things People are Saying
- If They Like It, tell them about your group/blog/site/list.
- Don’t Be Pushy.
- Don’t Treat Them with Anything but the Highest Respect.
That’s all there is to it.

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