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Tabletops (NWO)

[Tabletop] Event 201

Oct 18 2019 – Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness effort – John Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Bill Gates – Corbett Report – COVID Agenda

Bill Gates is heavily involved in all aspects of COVID-19. The Corbett Report has created a 2 hour documentary that I’ve only just come across (I’m a bit late to the party). I have to admit, they were so very convincing over the years – spending a fortune to turn-around his reputation from tyrant to “philanthropist” using the media and obfuscating/censoring those who disputed, making him out to be a victim of tin-foil hat conspiracies, that there was so much hope for me that questioning him was wrong because his fingers were all over everything…


Two Dutch MP’s Calling out Globalists Reset Plan: “COVID = Distraction, Reset = Mission”

2 MP’s from Netherlands call out the Globalist Plan bringing up the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep report, the Great Reset, digital passports, collective psychosis, obedience training and the World Economic Forum.

While the “fact-checking” arm of the mainstream media has attempted to shut down the mere mention of this damning Rockefeller Foundation report, the parallels are undeniable.


My Pandemic Timeline

I’ve been keeping a random timeline of points of interest to me throughout the pandemic. I find it interesting and hope you do too. (Constant work-in-progress)
