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Fact-Checkers – New Mind-Control Weapon

Fact-Checkers are the new “Digital Police” to make the new hive-mind more believable – it’s all rigged – and whilst it should’ve been our “trusted source” during a pandemic, they are the biggest disruption to truth as they are aligned to a completely different agenda.


Why do so many still buy into the Narrative? – Psychologist POV

Psychologist with some tips for those who see what’s going on and are trying to help others see it (estimation 30%) and the “know something is up but can’t put their finger on it — so just going along with it” – (estimation 40%) – about how the other 30% were able to become spellbound even when the data shows the opposite of what they believe – very interesting insights.

Another video shows a study that explains most people are ‘corruptible’ within 5 minutes.

Another video explains the Bidermans Chart of Coercion which was used throughout this pandemic.
