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[Ra] The Law Of One – Book 1

I didn’t resonate with the whole thing, actually it gave me the heeby-jeebies and some of it made me very uncomfortable or was extremely boring, but I took from it, little things that I resonate with at this time or things I want to ponder upon more, or things I really just didn’t understand when I was reading it, that I wanted to come back to have another look in more depth. Here are my notes from Book I


The world is a reflection of your beliefs

Everything you are experiencing is an agreed set of guidelines, beliefs and rules that you believe in. If you don’t have that little open space to also believe in something beyond these set of agreements, then you stay inside that illusion. None of it is real except in your agreement that it is.


Pain has a Purpose: Hardship is the catalyst for changing the world.

Society is screwed up ! Don’t base your thoughts and decisions on what society’s told you since you were born or what your parents told you cos all they ever know is what society told them! And yet, your heart usually says something different, right? Click here to read more of the transcript from an awesome speech from Markus Rothkranz as he speaks from his heart about health and self-empowerment. Learn how hardship makes us better people, how pain makes us stronger and allow him to inspire you to be the real you.

Pain has a Purpose