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Funny Schwab-Gates WEF Parody Vids

Funny tongue-in-cheek and sometimes naughty AI-Deep-Fake clips of Klaus Schwab (and Gates) featuring: the Great Reset | 15-Minute Cities | CBDC | Digital ID | Own Nothing, Be happy | Eat Ze Bugs | GMO-Sterilizing Soy | Vaxx Madness. All the things you can’t say out loud in hive-ville.


Operation Mind-Control [Book]

Have you, your community, or your government been blank-slated and mind-controlled? Would you even know it? Do you know how easy it is to manipulate your beliefs if you aren’t aware of the tricks they use? Words said whilst you are in the process of ‘seeking to recall’ a memory (accessing your visual recall bank) is an ‘in’ to re-programme you…


Flashback: Feb 2020 – Thank you China for posting the genetic code…

Flashback: 13 Feb 2020 to this interview with Kate Broderick from INOVIO (Covid-19 Vaccine Candidate) who created a Covid Vaccine that was raring to go from China’s uploaded Genetic-code in 3 hours. “We have to be grateful here that the Chinese posted the genetic code… ” Truly hard to tell whether they are just blind-sided by greed, fully-brainwashed / inDOCtrinated, or whether they are in on it.


[chatGPT] NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno)

Although chatGPT is basically another propaganda device and it’s answers can’t be trusted without further research, sometimes you can get a clue about where to go next for your research by having a little conversation. Today I asked chatGPT about NBIC.


NBIC (Converging Humans with Tech) Links

The US Department of Commerce (DOC), and the National Science Foundation (NSF) came together in 2002 to bring together industry leaders to discuss converging technologies for improving human performance: nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science. Over time, they have now blossomed into a thriving billion-dollar industry, collaborating with the US Department of Defense (DOD), the US Army Research Lab, BigTech, the US Government, and Universities, and spending a substantial amount on AI, COVID-19, 5G, and the Sustainable Development Agenda…
