conscious living
Life wants to create & experience itself
Life wants to explore itself, it wants to experience what it has created. We are life, exploring itself. Life inevitably wants to ENJOY exploring itself. Ultimately Life wants the best for life.
What does spiritual ascension mean? Why is it just happening now? What happens after?
My personal reply to a question in a facebook group – What does spiritual ascension mean?
Work lessons teaching me how to master my life
Out with the old, in with the new. New beginnings require the removal of that which no longer serves your life.
Find the Others… so I can be Free to be Me [Video]
For validation, for expansion, for the ultimate freedom.. and to help others.. On the bridge right now between mainstream & delving deeper down the rabbit hole..
Hypothesis : The world is an Experiment of Ignorance
This world is an oasis, our ignorance about not knowing where we came from is our gift. We get to ignorantly create from a level of not knowing who we are.
SuperMoon Blues – Low Self-Esteem vs Ego-Trip [Video]
I don’t have all the answers – we’re all in this together
Loving people for who they are, right now. (A lesson learnt)
I just want everyone to be happy, to be their best selves, and me too, and I’m learning that I’m still a child trying to find her way. Ignoring my own advice and learning my lessons.