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CFR – Council on Foreign Relations (NWO)

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) cfr.org

Bill Cooper Notes [NWO]

“You have to understand the agenda, you have to understand who is bringing it about and why, before you can see the manipulations and how people are being used and manipulated to bring it about”. ~ Milton William Cooper


[NWO] Bilderberg Group (Hollywood Actor investigates)

Is there such a thing as the New World Order? Hollywood actor Amr Waked investigates whether the Bilderberg Group – a group of political and economic elites – is trying to control the world through capitalism. (Not sure why a Corporate News media funded by the government is posting this stuff… but maybe something like this will help others wake up to larger agendas in some way?)


[1994] Dr John Coleman – New World Order

A great insight into the ruling hierarchy of the global system, from the Committee of 300 and the Black Nobility of Venice, to the “clearing houses” of global policy, the Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their many branches across the world.


COVID-19 Spartacus Letter

The Spartacus Letter – Rev. 2 (2021-09-28) | Wow I’ve just finished reading this and they have obviously been delving in the same realms of research as I have, and definitely have more of a medical perspective towards COVID — at least, at first. They/he/whoever it is (it’s anonymous) went ‘full-depth’ with the Pathophysiology, suppressed treatments (and why they work), as well as getting into the Vaccine dangers (and why they don’t work & that the vaccinated are carriers and are a threat to the unvaccinated, and more) – before stepping into Great Reset and Transhumanism and going to war on all those megalomaniacs responsible for the global genocide and total population control. and even though it doesn’t cover the whole octopus, I did learn something new:


Globalism Notes

Came across a site with Australian notes that looks like it may not be up for much longer since half the links don’t work and the articles are so aged, but I found myself copying a lot of notes about the one world government and new world order from the paragraphs and now want to put those “notes” somewhere I can locate them again.
