1250+ COVID Vaccine Publications and Case Reports [download]
Collection of Peer-Reviewed Medical Papers Evidencing Multitude of Heartbreaking Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
Collection of Peer-Reviewed Medical Papers Evidencing Multitude of Heartbreaking Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
Evidence of Pharmaceutical Data Fraud, Psychological Manipulation, Criminal Activities, and Corruption by Australian Associate Professor Peter Parry at the
No, it hasn’t been debunked just because the manufacturers haven’t disclosed it – we have more questions and evidence than ever. They have the media, the governments, the mainstream internet – and we have the truth and science is on our side.
World Council for Health (with Tess Lawrie) on Covid-19 Injection Contents. Dr. Robert Verkerk Summarizes EbMCsquared Preliminary Findings from a UK laboratory who was commissioned for an independent analysis of the vial contents after reports from around the world suggesting contamination of undeclared components.
Another hypothesis to do with the great poisoning of the planet, gathering all the evidence to review the “snake venom” theory.
This is a very good resource for the vaccine injured (but also to researchers who are looking to compare symptoms).
Dr John B analysis of the Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines white paper on vaccines’ compositions anonymously uploaded by The Scientists’ Club. (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Priorix MMR, riorix-Tetra MMR+V)
Identification of graphene & microtechnology found in Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and Sputnik vaccination vials. Be sure to download their presentation, it’s absolutely stunning.
A Professor in Chemical Sciences with a degree in Biological Sciences confirms graphene-like nanoparticles, unknown composition that compares to DNA crystals generated by nanotechnological procedures and microstructures that could be nano-antennas/sensors, and more in the Covid shots.
Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts calls out the TGA, ATAGI, ABS, AHPRA, Liberal-Nationals, Labor, Greens, for running a protection-racket for the Pharmaceutical industry. He shares Pfizer and AstraZeneca’s criminal history & calls them out for fraud. He calls out the deliberate suppression of any health advice, because the vaccines are a gravy train. He brings up all the TGA FOI’s that highlight we have no honest or accurate safety data, and ends with a promise to not let them get away with it: “We are coming for you – we have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will”.