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Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (2021) (+Refs & follow-up interviews)

Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (Viral video & documents). Yeah this is old (Mid-2021) but I’ve always wanted to compile the interviews and the documents and links and everything but didn’t have the time in 2021 when we were urgently and desperately trying to wake up our own communities before they got the entire world’s population to follow the pied piper…


Spike Genes Have Patented DNA Sequences. This is Dangerous.

Researchers have found a highly unusual presence of a proprietary DNA sequence in the spike protein genome. We already know that spike protein is dangerous for our cells and immune system. However, the presence of MSH3 protein can add dangerous outcomes for our cells. Spike Genes are patented by Moderna. Dr Been reviews this hypothesis.


Placebo/Nocebo, Faith & Science (Brand/Campbell)

Russell Brand asks Dr John Campbell to explain what “Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trials” actually means and what that means in terms of the power of both the ‘Placebo’ and ‘Nocebo’ effects. Nice short clip that will remind you of the power of belief, and maybe make you think a little about why the media misledia are keeping humanity in a constant state of fear and hopelessness.
