197 articles found

Search Results for: hearing

Atrazine | Making Men more ‘Feminine’ (via Rain?)

Bioweapon/Herbicide: Chemical Castration & “Feminization” and complete sex-reversal in frogs. CCP-Owned and one of the most widely used herbicides in both the United States and Australia, found in our drinking water via rainfall. Ties to Novartis, BioNtech, Pfizer, Janssen, & AstraZeneca. Can’t make this up.


Magnetic Phenomenon is Real

The Electromagnetism phenomenon in the Vaccinated (or what we now dub “Graphinated”) is real. Along with myself and other friends who are “magnetized” (jabbed or not), this is a real phenomenon – where you would do best to trust your own experience rather than a “fact-checker” website funded by those that don’t want you to know you are magnetized, and something we are yet to still figure out.


The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert Kennedy, Jr.

The general public has been kept in the dark about the real Anthony Fauci, and the Corporate-Media is trying to convince them that Robert Kennedy Jr. is the “bad guy” and that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are the “good guys”. We are truly in an inverse world here – where evil has the mega-phone and the real “good guys” are getting decimated by the “bad guys”. This post contains lots of extracts from his book and a couple of videos where he goes through what you will find in the book.


Bill Gates – Corbett Report – COVID Agenda

Bill Gates is heavily involved in all aspects of COVID-19. The Corbett Report has created a 2 hour documentary that I’ve only just come across (I’m a bit late to the party). I have to admit, they were so very convincing over the years – spending a fortune to turn-around his reputation from tyrant to “philanthropist” using the media and obfuscating/censoring those who disputed, making him out to be a victim of tin-foil hat conspiracies, that there was so much hope for me that questioning him was wrong because his fingers were all over everything…
