List of Higher vibe words and emotions

- Connected
- Free
- Alive
- I am Freedom, I choose Freedom, Liberated.
- I am purity.
- Awesome
- Peace
- Hope
- Wisdom
- Charity
- Life
- Harmony
- Faith
- Joy
- Compassion
- Divinity
- Service
- Kindness
- Gratitude
- Oneness
- Perfection
- Beauty
- Trust
- Forgiveness
- New
- Focused
- Aware
- Understanding
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Gentleness
- Youthful, Vibrant
- Energetic
- Healthy
- Inspired, Creative
- Generous
- Purpose
- Mastery
- Powerful
- Graceful
- Serenity
- Courteous
- Strength, Strong
- Passionate
- Happy
- Exubrant
- Enthusiastic
- Successful
- Affectionate
- Courageous
- Limitless, Infinite, Unlimited
- Confident
- Fun, Lit-up
- Trust the open, empty space
- Magical, Miracle
- Splendor
- Joy, Bliss
- Love, Loving, Loved, Unconditional Love, Cherished, Cared-for, Lovable
- Intuitive
- Appreciative
- Blessed, Thankful
- Clear
- Abundant
- Expansive
- Innocent, Softening, Relaxing, Calming, Peaceful, Purifying
- Powerful manifestor
- Recharged
- In-Flow
- Empowered
- Clean
- Admired
- Honourable
- Positive
- Safe, Secure
- Worthy, Valued
- Nourishing
- Accepted for who I am
Apathy > Excitement
- Apathy = depression, confusion, indecision, grief, stress, overwhelmed, sick, sad, misaligned, angry, bitter, spiteful, shame, withdrawn, less-than, humiliation, weak
- Excitement = purpose, happy, love, joy, health, alignment with higher self, grateful, all other problems fade away, excitement vibe in focus, more-than, strong, empowered, focused, flow
Remember the game “Hot or Cold”?
As children we used to hide something and as the players get closer, we’d say warmer, warmer, getting hotter, you are so close – hot, hot, hot! And s they moved away, you’d say colder, getting colder, ice-cold, etc.
Think of life like a 3d maze and with a purpose and lots of cool experiences and lots of trap-doors. You don’t know your purpose but some part of you is observing and guiding you. When you are going the right way, you sense it, just as when you are about to head into a shit-storm, the red-flags go up (that we often ignore). You have the free-will to decide whether you listen to your personal guidance system and how you want to play, you choose the direction, you make the decisions, and you choose your own adventure.

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