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The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)

Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.


[Ramtha] The White Book 5 What is Joy?

Joy is freedom.
When you are in joy with life, you are at peace with everything about you and cannot feel remorseful or insecure, fearful, angry, or lacking.
When love abounds, life is beautiful, meaningful, purifying, uplifting & it extends itself to all humanity.


[Big Rant] Fake Society. Our beliefs aren’t even OURS. Breakfree.

Become who you are – Stop wearing a mask & living a lie – Speak your Truth
There is nothing wrong with where we are at. Life is a journey of different perspectives & experiences. Our biggest fear is what other people think of us – and that was brainwashed into us – we are conditioned since birth to conform. To hold our tongue. It’s a hard habit to break because it’s automatic. Once you realize that your beliefs are not even your own – you are free to Question Everything and have absolute Empathy and understanding about where other people are – you realize that nothing is real, everything is fake – a mask. Time to start thinking for ourselves & allowing others to explore their truths / go through the process of un-brainwashing – even though none of us know what is real from our tiny perspective.
