[Workshop] Create your own Podcast Show

How to setup and publish your own Podcast in less than 21 days. I decided to create my own Podcast show so one weekend went to work on researching and getting it done, including artwork, episode planning, intros/outtros/ad-breaks, S3 Hosting, RSS feed setup, Tagging, Editing, and submitting to iTunes and other directories.
Suitable for entrepreneurs seeking to create their own iTunes Podcast show. This workshop will help you learn how to create a Podcast show from idea to the finished product.
You don’t have to have any experience in audio editing to do this workshop. This is a “Total-Immersion” beginners online workshop, not boring theory – by the end of the workshop, you will know all the essentials of creating and publishing a Podcast show and be technically competent at designing, recording, editing, artwork, and publishing your podcast.
The essentials are stripped down and presented in a straight-forward “see it & do it” non-technical way and audio samples are used throughout the workshop so you can actually hear the different results.
Who is this workshop for?
-> anyone that would like to create their own Podcast show
If you have been putting off creating your own Podcast show, this workshop will help you finally take action. Every step is setup in a way where you can easily accomplish that step immediately after watching the video.
Complete this total-immersion workshop and at the end of the workshop, you will have your very first episode published as well as a series of shows lined up and organised.
1.) researching & brainstorming your podcast show
2.) episode planning
3.) episode scripting
4.) recording your podcast
5.) creating iTunes artwork that stands out
6.) editing your podcast
7.) adding music intros/outros
8.) combining tracks (interviews, voice-overs, dj drops)
9.) correct bitrates & format to save at for the highest-quality, smallest sized podcast
10.) correct tagging for iTunes
11.) podcasting hosting including s3, wordpress, and podcast-specific hosts
12.) submitting to iTunes
13.) submitting to other podcast directories

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I’m psyched to join the podcast challenge and can’t wait to see what you’ve put together. My name is Charlie and I run a fitness blog. It’s been around for some time, though only recently have I really begun to give it some serious attention. I think it’s safe to say that I have completely caught the bug at this point, so I will continue to be very active with the site.
I’m new to the blogging community, but I really hope to develop some good friendships here. Everyone I’ve encountered so far has been really enthusiastic and friendly.
If anyone is interested in tag teaming on some guest posts, please reach out to me. Also, my FB and Twitter pages could use a few followers. I would really appreciate some help on that front, and please let me know your pages so I can follow you as well.