What is going on with the Censorship & Mass-Media Disinformation? What is REALLY going on?
Why the mainstream media and digital platforms are censoring our health experts is very sinister
Why the mainstream media and digital platforms are censoring our health experts is very sinister
What are others saying that is apparently so dangerous that they need to be removed from the general public’s eyes whenever they’re mentioned?
I want every individual to make their own informed decision about what goes into their bodies – you decide what’s best for you – I will never try and stand in your way. I’m just dismayed that there is all this censorship to what is working, the alternatives, and to people being aware of what to look-out for if they happen to get one of these ‘side-effects’.
India Bar Association served legal notice to WHO for its disinformation campaign against the use of Ivermectin. India has now re-established Ivermectin and it wants the world to know what WHO has done… but the media doesn’t find this newsworthy.
I’ve been keeping a random timeline of points of interest to me throughout the pandemic. I find it interesting and hope you do too. (Constant work-in-progress)
Social Media employees leak the documents that censor everyone on a global scale in the name of demoting “Vaccine Hesitancy, and promoting the Good Vaccine”