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[UK] What’s in the ‘Unjabbed’ Blood? (Dr. Philippe)

The following images are of the blood of vaccine-free children with very severe illnesses and paralysis right now due to this graphene and whatever the heck it’s doing (self-organizing and growing in the blood). The doctor who took these images of their bloodwork believes it is shedding from the vaccinated (not sure if he realizes that in addition to that, graphene is literally in the air, water, jet fuel, clothes, masks, bandages, food, packaging, and buildings) – it’s being put in everything right now. Coupled with wifi, it could be doing major damage to all of us.


[South Africa] What’s in the Blood?

Dr Zandré Botha PhD – South Africa – Certified Live & Dry Blood Analyst of 15 years says she’s never seen anything like this and doesn’t know what she’s seeing but is sharing what she is seeing in the bloodwork of her vaccinated patients and in a Johnson & Johnson vial, to get answers.


[UK Lab] What’s in the Vials? (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca)

World Council for Health (with Tess Lawrie) on Covid-19 Injection Contents. Dr. Robert Verkerk Summarizes EbMCsquared Preliminary Findings from a UK laboratory who was commissioned for an independent analysis of the vial contents after reports from around the world suggesting contamination of undeclared components.

Pfizer Microscopy

Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (2021) (+Refs & follow-up interviews)

Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (Viral video & documents). Yeah this is old (Mid-2021) but I’ve always wanted to compile the interviews and the documents and links and everything but didn’t have the time in 2021 when we were urgently and desperately trying to wake up our own communities before they got the entire world’s population to follow the pied piper…


[2022] Grand Jury

Presenting all the available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.
(Includes transcript of Overview/Opening Statement.)
