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Banking Insider “Why the culling was inevitable” (Austin-Fitts)

The Financial Coup d’état Explained. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how the ‘Great Poisoning’ was inevitable after the US govt started draining and obliterated the pension funds. If you drain all the retirement funds, you have to reduce the population by radical amounts. This is such an important part to understand in this psychotic game of chess (of which there are many psychopathic players involved). This particular one explains just one of the many important financial reasons behind the democide and why we must stop the CBDC’s, Vaccine Passports, and Digital IDs.


“We put brain chips into 10,000 people” [NASA, 2011]

NASA Chief Scientist, Dennis Bushnell, 2011 and 2016, BlueTech Forum: “We put brain chips into about 10,000 people” (and coincidentally, he’s the author of the controversial 2001 presentation Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] known as the “NASA war plan” when it went viral back in 2013 by Deborah Taveres)


[ICIC] Australian Aboriginals Fight for Survival

Reiner Fuellmich of ICIC hears from three Australians shedding light on the dictatorial actions of the Australian government and the suffering of the people and their indigenous brothers and sisters, particularly scary is the massive death rates of the aboriginal people. “We’ve had enough. We can’t take this anymore, and we want to charge the government for murder.” Asking the international community for help. (27 Mar 2023)
