c19 Jabs causes multi-organ inflammation [Dr John Campbell]
Dr. John Campbell goes through the autopsy study of a 14-year-old Japanese girl who was healthy and active (athletic team) who died unexpectedly two days after receiving the booster recently published in the Legal Medicine Journal.
How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix
This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”
RW 4/8.) OTA & Brook Jackson’s Pfizer Case
From Rebecca Walser’s “Unravelling the Web of Globalization & the Totalitarian Control of Humanity” video “Militarization of Global Health”.
This section is on the “Other Transactions Authority” and what we learnt about Brook Jackson’s case against Pfizer in relation to the vaccines being a military project.
[ICIC] Australian Aboriginals Fight for Survival
Reiner Fuellmich of ICIC hears from three Australians shedding light on the dictatorial actions of the Australian government and the suffering of the people and their indigenous brothers and sisters, particularly scary is the massive death rates of the aboriginal people. “We’ve had enough. We can’t take this anymore, and we want to charge the government for murder.” Asking the international community for help. (27 Mar 2023)
Covid-19 Military Operation [Katherine Watt]
The World Health Organization is the Military Arm of the One World Government. COVID was never handled as Public Health Crisis, but is a Live Military War Response. Legal evidence. Both Short and Extended Presentations.
More Videos on TGA FOI 2389 [Dr. John Campbell]
Summaries of two new videos posted today from Dr John Campbell and Professor Clancy on the TGA FOI 2389 document.
TGA FOI 2389 – BigPharma & TGA Conflict$
Redacted information. Bureaucracy. Vaccine injuries. Ignoring patient data. TGA Conflict$ with BigPharma. ATAGI’s admission about myocarditis. Novel technology on the world instead of tried & true. Multiple agencies passing the buck to each other. Doubling-Down in Omicron instead of easing off. Mandating injections for Wuhan strain in Omicron. Australia’s deal with Moderna. mRNA flu shots. More.
TGA FOI 2389 – Ingredients, Dosage, Manufacturing
Concerns about 5 doses per vial with mRNA technology. Some people might get more/less microns than others. Two ingredients listed in FOI were not listed on TGA database. Manufacturing methodology changed.
TGA FOI 2389 – No Benefit
No benefit in animal studies pre-approval. Antibody & T Cell response rapidly declines over 5 weeks. First 3 weeks counted as unvaccinated.