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Penny... on Health

COVID-19 Spartacus Letter

The Spartacus Letter – Rev. 2 (2021-09-28) | Wow I’ve just finished reading this and they have obviously been delving in the same realms of research as I have, and definitely have more of a medical perspective towards COVID — at least, at first. They/he/whoever it is (it’s anonymous) went ‘full-depth’ with the Pathophysiology, suppressed treatments (and why they work), as well as getting into the Vaccine dangers (and why they don’t work & that the vaccinated are carriers and are a threat to the unvaccinated, and more) – before stepping into Great Reset and Transhumanism and going to war on all those megalomaniacs responsible for the global genocide and total population control. and even though it doesn’t cover the whole octopus, I did learn something new:


Meanwhile…”Psychosis” in Canada [Police]

Police in Canada have gone full-psychosis this week as they obediently follow unlawful orders from globalist tyrants and steal (“confiscate”) fuel, trucks and vehicles, freeze bank accounts and crowd-funding, illegally arrest, bash, and abuse their fellow humans, and ride horses through crowds. They’re either complicate prostitutes who have sold their soul and will do anything for money or are they completely clueless to what this is actually about and are under the same sickness; this mind-control / mass-psychosis that has overcome a lot of the people in the world.


“Replace Healthcare with AI by 2025” [HealthPass]

This post highlights & summarizes the various changes in the National Health Service in the UK (something we mirror here in Australia) and how the new HealthPass will lead to a Surveillance-Society and how some of it fits into the New World Order Agenda. It also shows how past NWO insiders were right in forewarning us about the systematic destruction of healthcare as part of the Totalitarian Global Takeover, as well as how HealthCare has been transformed into corporate sell-out and more.


Archbishop Carlo Viganò warns of coming dictatorship

Archbishop Viganò’s video message for the October 15, 2021 “No Fear Day” in Turin (Torino), Italy. This video was sent to the people of Turin who were demonstrating against the tyrannical Italian ‘Green Pass’. See bottom of post to learn more about who he is and what he told the world in 2018, as well as a Complete 18-tape Interview answering other questions about what is going on in the world right now with the Great Reset & New World Order.
