Google Traffic

IN Marketing & Wordpress
  • Updated:10 years ago
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Utilize these Google sites to get a Lot More Google Traffic for Free

All of these sites are owned by Google:

  1. google trafficGoogle News
  2. Google Images
  3. Google Sitemap
  4. Google Video
  5. Google Base
  6. Google Product Search (Froogle)
  7. Google Groups
  8. Google Book Search
  9. Blogger
  10. Google Docs
  11. Feedburner
  12. Google Notebook
  13. Orkut
  14. Google Page Creator
  15. YouTube
  16. Google Alerts
  17. Google Analytics
  18. Google Trends
  19. Jaiku
  20. Google Sites
  1. Google News 

    – If your site gets approved as a
    google news site, you’ll get a tonne of traffic. So if your blog/site
    is a good resource for google news then feel free to submit it.

  2. Google Images 

    – Get traffic exposure from Google
    Images. To optimize your images, ensure you use the alt tag to your
    images and describe your image.

  3. Google Sitemap 

    – Will show you if your site is indexed by google, but will also help Google index your site.

  4. Google Video 

    – Google Video is a free Video sharing website

  5. Google Base 

    – Online database provided by Google
    into which any user can add almost any type of content, such as text,
    images, and structured information in formats like XML, PDF, Excel,
    RTF, Word Perfect, etc. which works in conjunction with Google Search.

  6. Google Product Search (Froogle) 

    Google Product Search is one of the primary ways for people to look for products they are interested in buying.

  7. Google Groups 

    – Google provides two distinct kinds
    of groups: traditional Usenet groups, and non-Usenet groups that are
    more similar to mailing lists.

  8. Google Book Search 

    – Google Book Search allows
    public-domain works and other out-of-copyright material to be
    downloaded in PDF format. Science of Getting Rich is there so you can
    add that to your library and add your own reviews to it, etc.

  9. Blogger 

    – Google owns blogger.

  10. Google Docs 

    – Upload your Re-Brandable PDF Docs here, as well as Powerpoint presentations and Word documents.

  11. Feedburner 

    – FeedBurner provides custom RSS feeds
    and management tools to bloggers & podcasters. Published feeds are
    modified in several ways, including automatic links to Digg and, and “splicing” information from multiple feeds.

  12. Google Notebook 

    – Google Notebook is an interactive
    scratch pad for any visited web pages, offering to collect web findings
    within the browser window.

  13. Orkut 

    – Another social networking site, but owned by Google.

  14. Google Page Creator 

    – Will creating a Google Page and referring to your websites boost your Google Pagerank? I intend to find out. See also Google Pages Tips.

  15. YouTube 

    – Yep, Google owns YouTube now.. you’ll
    notice that YouTube videos come up first in Google Search results so
    use it to your advantage :)

  16. Google Alerts 

    – I use Google Alerts to find out how
    my websites are doing.. for instance, I added “Leverage the secret” to
    my alerts, and then as I post to the various sites, I can get notified
    when “google” finds them and therefore indexes them.

  17. Google Analytics 

    – I use Google Analytics the same
    way except I get to know where all my visitors are coming from, how
    long they spend at my site, which pages they click on, etc. From this,
    I’ll be able to know where I should concentrate my efforts.. ie which
    of my advertising is working.

  18. Google Trends 

    – Google Trends is a tool from Google
    Labs that shows the most popularly searched terms. Use this to find
    popular search terms related to SGR.

  19. Jaiku 

    Create your own microblog and connect with
    your friends. Post from the Web, by SMS, or from desktop clients. Add
    comments, use icons, link Webfeeds.

  20. Google Sites 

    – Currently in Beta, but should be
    good! It’s like Wikipedia but it looks sweeter :) And you can control
    who has access to change your pages.

Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.