My Intention is to Reduce Suffering

I think I’ve identified my purpose in life.
Not sure how I’m going to accomplish it yet or how it will all unfold eventually aside from sharing my own journey.
But I really resonate with believing that my purpose in life is helping to “reduce suffering”.
Last year I thought it would be wise to use my internet marketing background to help others who are helping the world. “SoulPreneurs” is what I called it. I thought I would be best matched to “help the people who are helping the people”. Maybe something like that is still in my future but now I get more of a ‘yes’ when I think about helping people in a more direct way from what I have learnt so far in my own journey and how passionate I get when I’m sharing what has helped me personally find the light when I didn’t want to leave the darkness.
It feels right and it feels like the next step somehow. From the draft sites I’ve created in the past few years whilst trying to figure out what I should be doing with my life. The half-written books. The private groups and one-on-one conversations. And now my new journey on YouTube. As I’ve been speaking my truth, I’ve been identifying & learning more about myself, my true self, my hopes for humanity and for myself. Gaining new insights everyday that help me understand how to unlock the suffering in this world.
The journey in a nutshell:
Life Lessons & Challenges > Internet Marketer > Downhill Spiral > Suffocation / Darkness > Healing Transition > Awakening > Journey to a Better Life > We’re all One (Flowers from the same Garden)
And now what I resonate most with:
> Is this serving the highest good of all? > Be the Change > Find ways to End Human Suffering
I am not like other people.. I’m not a ‘guru’…or an established speaker. I’m kinda awkward, get my words all messed-up, and I don’t have great communication skills. There are lots of reasons why I should be more of a behind-the-scenes girl rather than putting myself out there.
But I actually think there is a need for “real” and “raw”. That there is a missing gap in the things that are out there… that my unique perspectives on this journey to a better life .. can resonate with certain people who like “real” – whoever I’m called to help… will relate to me and my experiences. To be the one that the “guru’s” may not be able to reach because they are “too far ahead”.. or too polished, too professional.. too “far down the track”. That there is a need for different types of ways of explaining how to connect to a higher consciousness with someone that is still “living it” and practising it and whatever stage I’m at currently. I’ve come a long way from the darkness and I’m still and probably always will be moving through this journey; ever-learning and growing from the experiences I encounter.
Maybe there are some people out there that need to see the real journey along the way; not the after-picture. To meet people where they are at. Or whoever can resonate and relate to my personal experiences and what has helped me. Maybe there is room in this massive world for my story to inspire others.
This is what I’m called to do. I want to help people (whoever I’m “meant” to help) who no longer want to suffer.
I think I will do it the way that I’ve been feeling is the right track for years. Webinars, Videos, Books and Podcasts. Who knows how it will turn out. This is just the ‘step’ I’m taking towards what I feel like is the ‘right thing to do’ for my soul.
I’m just going to keep sharing my journey, learning life’s lessons, gaining new perspectives, and sharing what has helped and what is still helping me along the way.
Will see how it unfolds from here…

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