Using eBay to drive traffic to your site
eBay Classified Ads
Write a classified ad on eBay.. it’s about $20 for 30 days, but well.. ebay is
popular and millions of people go there daily looking for stuff :)
For as little as $19.99 you can get a 28 day listing on eBay Classifieds to advertise your business, services and products to customers in your selected Australian State regions and areas. And whats most important the listing will then be spidered by the Googlebot and inclusion on Google Search Engine Result Pages.
Starting an eBay Online Classified Advertisement Creating a listing is very easy, simply visit eBay Classifieds and join or login to your My eBay section and click Sell, then follow these easy to follow screens to get your business service listing online.
Make your text descriptive and include keywords and keyword phrases
Utilize eBay Auctions
- Sell on ebay, a hot resell rights ebook you have in your collection.
- Create a PDF or Video bonus to include with the resell rights ebook (with your information)
- By selling the existing ebook and including yours as a bonus, you’ll get more exposure, if it’s an ebook that others can resell, they will also include your bonus when on-selling.
- At the same time, when you create the page to “download” your book, you can include a form for your autoresponder.. your facebook profile.. and any other ways you can think of to be-friend a new contact.
eBay Signature
To enable your signature on eBay discussions:
1. Copy your image url from your photo host.
2. From any eBay discussion board, click on “Settings” at the top of the page.
3. Using the following code, substitute the url of your own.
4. Click on the “save” button.
Your signature will now show up under every post you make.

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