Bilderberg Meeting June 2022
Elite having an innocent cup of tea and secret chat about the state of the world…
Elite having an innocent cup of tea and secret chat about the state of the world…
Letter from paediatrician “failing to comply” with the “show me your papers” vaccine mandate
How you know the world is run by evil reason — what number are we up to now? Unbelievable – the FDA could skip clinical trials in future to save the mRNA industry from the utter failures – where are the good guys… where?
No, it hasn’t been debunked just because the manufacturers haven’t disclosed it – we have more questions and evidence than ever. They have the media, the governments, the mainstream internet – and we have the truth and science is on our side.
Scientists in 2016 were excited to share how for years they’ve been able to get graphene nanotechnology to self-assemble remotely using an electric field.
Segregating on their vaccine status, passports, and Total Population Control – Human Slaves.
Collecting All-Cause Mortality data on the one post. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel, UK, USA
There are 4 teams in New Zealand testing the C19 Vaccine Vials. Here are some of their findings. Just updated with Round 2 with what’s in the blood and the Alfluria Quad FLU vaccine.
Terrain The Film (2022) The End of Germ Theory. & Dr. Robert O. Young’s Testimony about how he was targetted for exposing Pharma’s biggest lie