Australian Senators vs TGA
Here are my chosen clips from the Senate Hearing vs. TGA held on Aug 3rd, 2023.
Here are my chosen clips from the Senate Hearing vs. TGA held on Aug 3rd, 2023.
Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)
Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.
Found in the Obama Whitehouse archives (2010): an intelligent (self-aware) sensor, that is a multi-functional, self-assembling nano-sized protein, found in every cell of the human body, that can be controlled by pH, which has a parent company with an invention with “Self-Aware” quantum technology (“Internet of Things” converging), that unifies both of the inventions, and a side-company that has separate AI-software that remotely and intelligently monitors “medical conditions and drug compliance”. i.e. 3 separate inventions, from 3 companies ExQor / ExQori∆ / Xenqai—(owned by the same people)—that unifies Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT, and Cognitive science together, on a government website. So, that’s interesting…. I have to take a closer look at this.
July 2020—Melinda Gates (or whoever it really is) on contraception: getting vaccines into Healthcare workers first, then the most vulnerable (all I hear is eugenics: sterilization; take out the health system first, then take out the “useless eaters”).
Links to The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal documentaries
Part II — THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. This is a must-listen-to important speech by QLD GP Dr. Melissa McCann. UNBELIEVABLY TRAGIC & CRIMINAL. (Video + Transcript + Screenshots + REFS)
Part I — THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. This is a must-listen-to important speech by QLD GP Dr. Melissa McCann. UNBELIEVABLY TRAGIC & CRIMINAL. (Video + Transcript + Screenshots + REFS)
[David vs Goliath] A class action has been filed in the Federal Court of Australia against the Australian Government, Dr Brendan Murphy, and Professor John Skerritt on behalf of people who have been injured by Covid-19 vaccines.
On May 30, 2023, Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt passed away unexpectedly. He not only called out the damage caused by the so-called “vaccines” in the autopsied corpses, but also the undeclared metal-containing components.
I started going in-depth reviewing Karen Kingston’s C19=Bioweapon Patent Evidence last year, so make sure you check that out too. This new video is about 8 months after that first presentation, which includes a draft letter of demand with the legal evidence to remove the bioweapons in your area (based on Florida’s laws, you just have to customize to your own state’s laws).