Vaccine/EMF-enabled Mind-Control [Hypothesis & Refs]
I have a theory on how some are being remotely mind-controlled for real. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, am I the only one that noticed, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
National Institutes of Health (
I have a theory on how some are being remotely mind-controlled for real. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, am I the only one that noticed, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Senator Gerard Rennick supporting the Senate Inquiry into the WHO Pandemic Treaty (Debate) Livestreamed 27th March 2023.
During a public hearing on February 14, 2023, Florida Collier County Commissioners and over 200 residents were presented with evidence that the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are bioweapons. The hearing was to vote on a $1.4 million NIH grant that included funds used for COVID-19 ‘vaccine education’, among other CDC public ‘health’ initiatives. The commissioners voted unanimously to return 100% of the NIH funds.
The U.S. government has paid Moderna 6 billion dollars to support the vaccine that they co-invented. The fact-checkers had a real-hot-go at trying to dispute this one back in 2021, but now in 2023, we find out even more… * too much to list but here are the newest ones…
Downloading, highlighting, and finally going through all the “Karen Kingston patent evidence” that SARS-Cov-2 is an AI bioweapon. This research is based on what “Moderna and Pfizer’s patents, their own websites, and documents, as well as various related studies, say.
All viruses are bioweapons, man-made in a lab funded by the Department of Defense, the CIA, Pharma-Profiteers, and their psychopathic collaborators. Basically, we should rename or redefine “virus” or “vaccine” to “bioweapon, toxin, poison, or eugenics-genetic population control” for their true definition (at least, that’s how I interpreted this old documentary I stumbled across last night called “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism,” filmed in 2007 by Dr. Leonard Horowitz).
The general public has been kept in the dark about the real Anthony Fauci, and the Corporate-Media is trying to convince them that Robert Kennedy Jr. is the “bad guy” and that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are the “good guys”. We are truly in an inverse world here – where evil has the mega-phone and the real “good guys” are getting decimated by the “bad guys”. This post contains lots of extracts from his book and a couple of videos where he goes through what you will find in the book.
Remdesivir is the least effective, most expensive, and the most deadly treatment used during the pandemic. It’s “Eugenics”.