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Symptom – Cancer

Pharma’s coming for you…

Today I stumbled upon one of Brandy Vaughan’s lectures and someone had added additional clips to it and I was glad to watch it again and finally transcribe it. Rest in Peace Brandy. You did make a difference.


mRNA – most dangerous platform released on mankind ~Toxicologist [Senate Hearing]

Dr Janci Lindsay, Ph.D. (Molecular Biologist & Toxicologist) responds to Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults (previous speaker’s) testimony on DNA being found in the vials who downplayed malicious intent and blamed human error because of operation warp speed, she disagrees with him, and says this is the most dangerous and nefarious platform that has ever been released on mankind and her reasons why she believes it was intentional.


Dermatologist Testimony of C19 Treatments & Vax Injuries

This is a great summary of most of the wrong-doings of the covid pandemic in regards to the banning and vilifying of HCQ & IVM (something Dr. Karen DeVore had prescribed for 30 years off-label without any issue), and the never-before-seen injuries she’s now witnessing in her Dermatology practice in her “vaccinated” patients.


Pfizer switched templates that could cause permanent genome changes to those injected & their offspring…[Senate Hearing]

Cancer genomics expert and covid saliva test maker, testified that Pfizer vials have confirmed contamination of billions of DNA fragments that can integrate into a person’s genome. He’s a true believer in mRNA technology and seemingly the covid narrative as well, himself having had 3 Pfizer jabs, and said he recommended to his friends, elderly parents and daughters. It’s also seemingly his bread and butter. As a result, he downplays malice and blames the warp speed “rush” and shortcuts for the findings…(Video & Transcript)


The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)

Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.
