Portable Trades and Businesses (Work from Anywhere)
51 Entrepreneurial ideas on how you can Work from your laptop so that you can travel the world or free up your life.
51 Entrepreneurial ideas on how you can Work from your laptop so that you can travel the world or free up your life.
In my Off-Site SEO (lead-generation) toolkit, I include (depending on the niche/target market/budget): Press Releases, Articles, Videos, Guest-Blogging, Forum Answers, Documents (Slideshows/WhitePapers/Word Docs/PDF’s/Ebooks), Podcasts, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, Local Directories, RSS, Images (Flickr/Panoramio/Google Images/Pinterest), Wordpress/Blogger/Squidoo, Classified Ads (Gumtree/Craigslist/eBay), etc.
How would you spend your time, your life, if money were no object? My thoughts and “early mid-life crisis” and loss of passion for all that I do since returning from Bali..
reshBooks is what I use to bill my clients and keep track of my expenses from anywhere. It’s an indispensable part of my life.
Best Call-to-Action Wordpress Themes for Small Business or Local Business Owners.
Local Business Shopping Rewards Facebook Application Business Idea for Facebook Application Developers. For your local town or community, a Facebook application developer could create a local shopping application where shop and business owners can have a special deal, reward, or competition, to offer their local communities.
I have 2 facebook accounts – One for Personal and One for Business One for my friends & family to […]
You don’t make money writing your book, you make money explaining your book or from sales that come from the products and services you offer outside your book – Publish your way to Profits was a seminar I attended that really opened my eyes from the how to write your book quickly to the how to actually profit from your book!
The ideal way to contact them, is to join communities, and be active in those communities.