Multi-Million Dollar Business Idea for Facebook Developers

IN Marketing & Wordpress
  • Updated:7 years ago
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FacebookLocal Business Shopping Rewards Facebook Application Business Idea.

I know there are heaps of companies out there who have created their own application to spread their brand, products, and services virally, and maybe this has already been done already, but I have to get my thoughts out.

You know those business directories out there who have made a fortune creating websites that target local communities and sell advertising to local businesses who want to advertise on the sites? And those relatively newly popular sites that offer rewards, discounts, free trials and freebies to give a “Deal of the Day” type of offer. Then you have those other competition type sites that offer rewards for “liking” fan pages, “tweeting” a message, and “Uploading a video to YouTube”, etc.

Win Free Stuff Competitions

Well maybe you have already caught on to the idea that I’m getting at.

What about Facebook Applications that are based on the same sort of deal.

For your local town or community, a Facebook application developer could create a local shopping application where shop and business owners can have a special deal, reward, or competition, to offer their local communities. Rather than having to source these websites, the consumer can reach these right in their facebook account. It would be fairly easy to promote to the right people since Facebook Ads are demographic based, and the viral nature of Facebook would allow friends to easily share the rewards and competitions to their friends.

Food for thought.. entrepreneurs, please remember me when you get rich with this method :)

Maybe there are things already out there that do this? (Facebook Apps directory is “blank” for me today) Please share your comments on any app that is currently doing this or anything you’d like to see as either a business owner or consumer that you “wish” was out there.

Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.


  1. Aleck Fevrier says:

    Original poster can you please contact me when you do read this message. Did you get through with this idea? What was the process you had to go through?

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