Bilderberg Meeting June 2022
Elite having an innocent cup of tea and secret chat about the state of the world…
Elite having an innocent cup of tea and secret chat about the state of the world…
“You have to understand the agenda, you have to understand who is bringing it about and why, before you can see the manipulations and how people are being used and manipulated to bring it about”. ~ Milton William Cooper
Is there such a thing as the New World Order? Hollywood actor Amr Waked investigates whether the Bilderberg Group – a group of political and economic elites – is trying to control the world through capitalism. (Not sure why a Corporate News media funded by the government is posting this stuff… but maybe something like this will help others wake up to larger agendas in some way?)
A great insight into the ruling hierarchy of the global system, from the Committee of 300 and the Black Nobility of Venice, to the “clearing houses” of global policy, the Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their many branches across the world.
The media is the main source of disinformation and misinformation – they are manipulating and programming everyone, owned and controlled by the most EVIL corporations on the planet. Understanding the media’s nefarious role in the pandemic and in our lives is critical.