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2018 Biodefense | Follow the Money & Marriage of Military to the Private Sector

I just found this 2018 Biodefense hearing which gives insights into how these bureaucrats think and how we humans end up in the mess we’re in. Follow the money and their logic. The meeting basically focuses on what is needed to incentivize and centralize partnerships between the federal government and industry, academia, BigPharma, BigData, and other nongovernmental organizations to improve biological intelligence for current and future threats. Threats that we now believe these organizations were the cause of, and the very reason for suppressing of early treatments (killing millions), and why BigMedia, scientific establishments, and governments of the world could so easily fall in line.


TGA: FOI 3471 & FOI 4077

There was a damning Twitter thread by Australian researchers/whistle-blowers who are reporting on TGA FOI releases that prove Pfizer had killed people. I’ve collated the thread, comments, and related documents and videos in this post.


My Pandemic Timeline

I’ve been keeping a random timeline of points of interest to me throughout the pandemic. I find it interesting and hope you do too. (Constant work-in-progress)
