Experiencing Freedom by Speaking my Truth
The unfoldment of the ‘why’ and the ‘where it is going’ is starting to become clearer now.
The unfoldment of the ‘why’ and the ‘where it is going’ is starting to become clearer now.
I don’t want to be delusional. I want to be ‘right’. Why do humans need to ask WHY, what is the truth about spirituality or religion. Are we just ants or parasites, or is there something more to us, something to the reason we have the ability or are conscious enough to question our own realities.
I just read the teachers manual version of ‘A Course in Miracles’ and have taken some notes based on ‘where I’m at in my spiritual journey’.
Alright, I’m 38 now. Preparation for a year of cleansing. The next couple of weeks will be preparation time.
The Prosperity Secret by Markus Rothkranz is an interesting read that highlights the most important things in life, and is a recommended read for those who want to make a difference in the world, live clean & with more meaning, and to get paid to start living your mission. A business book? not really. A mindset cleanup book? definitely.
Last week I asked a question out to Facebook land.. “Who are you and what are you doing here in […]
Join the Conversation COPD Facebook Group (( COPD Treatments Facebook Group – admin: Greg Miller, author of How I cured […]
You can heal yourself of ANYTHING, any illness or dis-ease. Just STOP doing what made you sick, and START doing what will Create Powerful Health. There are NO incurable diseases, NONE. Take RESPONSIBILITY, and be willing to CHANGE, and you can heal yourself of anything.
Another Dr. Masaru Emoto experiment to help change the world as we know it. What if it’s the “intention” rather than the “method” that holds the healing power?
What you want for someone else, is what you want for yourself. What you give is what you get. If […]