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Apple (Wozniak, Steve Jobs)

Amazon Shuts Down “SMART Home”

Amazon shut down a Microsoft Engineer’s SMART home for a week because a delivery driver thought his automatic doorbell was racist. Then, a guy who reported his story on YouTube got his Amazon Affiliate account deleted. 6 Clips.


NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’

Here are four clips by former National Security Agency (NSA) Officer, Bill Binney that reveals the Big Brother global surveillance system tracking every electronic move we make. He’s been speaking out for the past 20 years, and we, the public just allow it, thereby giving our consent by stealth. Albeit, it could be propaganda… and there are other nefarious programs we probably should be looking into…


[chatGPT] NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno)

Although chatGPT is basically another propaganda device and it’s answers can’t be trusted without further research, sometimes you can get a clue about where to go next for your research by having a little conversation. Today I asked chatGPT about NBIC.


Call to Shutdown AI (on chatGPT-5)

Last week more than 1,000 AI leaders including high profile signatories Musk, Wozniak, and believe it or not – Yuval Noah Harari, to halt the AI advancement. Great video explaining what is coming and why we need to be conscious and be prepared.
