Search Results for: visualization
Free to be Me (Visualizing my Dream Life)
Im truly free when Im with others who allow me to bring my whole self.
Ouija Board Message – June 30th 2018
Answers from the guides via the Ouija board regarding psychic gifts, connecting with guides, birthmarks, soulmates, crop circles, past lives speaking with source, experiencing infinite possibilities.. and more
[Bentinho Massaro] Everything is a reflection of your vibration – Health
All physical ailments, illnesses, and discomforts are misaligned thinking. Every ailment you have is reversible. Heal-able. Beliefs rule your life. Your natural state is already at bliss and perfect health. Transmute the negative and you will reveal your natural state. Decide who you are every moment.
How can Moral & Ethical people make money? (chat with AI bots)
Playing with an AI character chat bot to brainstorm ideas for how those who refuse to sell their soul can survive the coming times.
The Master Key System 05-8
Here are my notes from ‘The Master Key System’ by Charles F. Haanel. Weeks 5-8 Week 5 (Mind in Action) […]
[Hatonn] Spend time in Meditation
Qualify yourself to reach out to your fellow man and lead him from the darkness of confusion that he is experiencing back into the light that he desires.
Design your own Free Course
When designing your free course, follow these 2 rules: Rule 1: Give Away Just Enough to Create Desire…
Pathway to your Potential (Pro/Con list)
This exercise shows you where you are aligned. It shows you your boundaries, value-system, where your integrity is; where you’re at & where you ‘wish’ you were at. It shows you a pathway to being your potential – what you aspire to be, what you are learning in this human life, what you REALLY value and what is actually important to you.
Propaganda Antidotes [Part 16]
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Sixteen.