Military Money Conflict$ Ukraine
Corporate-media interviews those who sell weapons to explain why we need more weapons in the Ukraine. And also a telegram thread on the biolabs…
Corporate-media interviews those who sell weapons to explain why we need more weapons in the Ukraine. And also a telegram thread on the biolabs…
“The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.”
Dr Russell Blaylock, Retired Neurosurgeon, publishes ‘COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?‘ in Surgical Neurology International – 22 April 2022 – calling out all the COVID Lies & atrocities we’ve endured from the corporate media and government bodies and health regulators, including the lethal-Remdesivir & the so-called Vaccines, the censorship of early-treatments, as well as calling out Fauci, Gates, Daszak, CDC, WHO, the New World Order & The Great Reset.
15 steps to engineer a pandemic. Learn how to create a vaccine-hungry public for maximum profits in this Influenza Stakeholders Conference held in January 2019.
Austria just handed over their Media to the European Union
People have lost touch with reality and are adopting irrational thinking…We’re being asked by the government to live in a delusional world, which we can see with our own two eyes “IS NOT TRUE”. And that’s immoral.
“You don’t have the right attitude about death, sickness, and viruses, and so on”. Fear can be debilitating, fear can remove reasoning capabilities. If you keep adding fear, you can end up with panic, and panic removes the ability to reason. It’s clear to me that that’s what governments are trying to induce in citizens; elevating fear-responses so they stop thinking for themselves.
Those who are ignorant of the past are bound to repeat it. Fr. Nolan offers a number of historical examples of when government officials conducted unethical scientific experiments on its citizens and then lied about it. Knowing our history enables us to think for ourselves and hopefully avoid repeating similar mistakes in the future.
Sermons from Fr. Daniel Nolan as part of his “Vaccination” Series (or rather “Don’t get Vaccinated” Series). Even if you’re not religious, I think you’ll enjoy these videos.
The world’s billionaires have amassed 5 Trillion dollars since March 2021, here are the richest people in the world in 2022 from #FollowTheMoney
Is there such a thing as the New World Order? Hollywood actor Amr Waked investigates whether the Bilderberg Group – a group of political and economic elites – is trying to control the world through capitalism. (Not sure why a Corporate News media funded by the government is posting this stuff… but maybe something like this will help others wake up to larger agendas in some way?)