Blonde Hair Dye (Chamomile Tea)

IN Food Diary & Recipes
Chamomile Tea
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Chamomile Tea Hair Dye

Don't want to put all those chemicals on your hair? Here's a natural hair dye solution for Blondes.


  • 3-5 Chamomile Tea Bags


  • Put the teabags in water and place on the stove on low heat for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Cool to warm-room temperature.
  • Transfer to a water spray bottle.
  • Saturate hair, leave-in, sun-dry & style as per usual.


Sun-dry (it's not as effective drying it any other way - it lightens much better in the sun)
* I usually leave it in my hair and "fall asleep" on the nephew's outdoor trampoline :)
Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.