Thinking aloud about being more heart-centred
Just processing my own thoughts about choice-points and being more heart-centred again
Just processing my own thoughts about choice-points and being more heart-centred again
Yolaine Stout “A Suicidal Near-Death Experience and What it Taught Me About Life”
As I see the desperation in others now, that neediness, that “begging” kind of emotion that they are feeling when they are “in love” with someone, from this new space of what I identified as being “disconnected from my heart”, I realize that there could be something to this. That they are also identifying “love” as this “needing another to approve of them because they don’t feel worthy enough to do that for themselves”
Morning pages. Live each day in alignment with your soul. Wherever / whatever you are is an opportunity to experience creation from your unique aspect, so nowhere is really a mistake, always just opportunities to experience creation; to learn about yourself/creation through interacting with or observing creation from wherever you are.
I don’t think life will ever can go back to the same as I was before this last couple of years of ‘undoing’ and ‘unbeing’, but having all these validations tonight is definitely going to change my perception again.
Finally recognizing a life-long theme in my life… I have issues with men, betrayal, and being free to be me.
I just want everyone to be happy, to be their best selves, and me too, and I’m learning that I’m still a child trying to find her way. Ignoring my own advice and learning my lessons.
Who you are the world has never known. I love those words from Matt Kahn. Everyone needs to hear those words and have them embedded because it celebrates our uniqueness and our unique experiences, perspectives, and why we are here. It helps you become less judgemental about yourself and others, and opens your heart to unconditional love; accepting everyone and loving everyone for their unique part that they bring into your experience.
Tapped into unconditional love and want to share with others or try and “stay in there”