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Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA – villain)

Senator Roberts calls out Prof Macartney’s $65M Vax Conflict$

Senator Malcolm Roberts tries to bring light to Professor Kristine Macartney being owned by pharma. Responsible for recommending vaccines for government (NCIRS), on vaccine adverse event reporting (AusVaxSafety), was govt expert witness in vax-mandate case (NSW Health), and got $65million in grants. (And… ATAGI, TGA, APPRISE, GAVI, WHO, & WELLCOME) 100% $old.


John Ruddick (MLC, NSW) Inaugural Speech

Newly elected MLC in NSW, Australia, calls out COVID Hysteria, Police State, Vaccine Extremism, Mandates, Excess Deaths, Ivermectin, Big Pharma, TGA, debt, Net-Zero Carbon Economy, Julian Assange, mass delusions and the indulgences scam, climate propaganda (the rebadging of global warming to ‘climate change’), carbon credit schemes, environmentalism being hi-jacked by a money-making scheme, socialism, and possible solutions to government corruption (such as anarcho-capitalism and Switzerland comparisons). (Full Transcript with my References and Commentary… )
