50 things you can do to speed up your blog [WordPress Checklist] Shared Hosting High CPU Usage
Download my Checklist of what I “Automatically” do now if a site is peaking (on shared hosting)
Download my Checklist of what I “Automatically” do now if a site is peaking (on shared hosting)
Here is an overall list of Wordpress Plugins that I install fairly regularly across a lot of my sites and client sites.
List of Site Performance Wordpress Plugins that I use, where I use it, and why I use it
Site Protection Wordpress Plugins that I use (why I use it, and where I use it)
This post will identify the best Wordpress plugins that I installed that actually made a huge difference to my out-of-control database, that can be used by almost anyone who has a logical mindset – you can fix the most common problems in a few minutes from now.
Poland .pl registration spam is hammering me.. here are some plugins that others recommend for dealing with wordpress registration spam.
Many have succeeded at getting lots of active followers on their Facebook fan page while a good many others have failed. The differences between great results and poor results is often in the approach. Listed here are some ideas to […]
Removed over 400 friends today.. this is how I manage my Facebook Friends lists, how I organize everyone into lists by Year/Month, and “Interest”, or “How I know them”.
Develop Alliances If you build up your “Friend Banks” you’ll be thanking yourself later, if you don’t develop your relationship with those “friends”, you will be doing the work for nothing. 40% of all the time you spend on your […]