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polyethylene glycol (PEG)

What is in the C19 Vaccines? Trust Not. (Paper)

This article begins with the simple question of how adjuvants in traditional vaccines are theorized to work and proceeds to analyze how the new injectable mRNA platforms deploy nanomaterials as delivery vehicles for genetic interventions with a range of other potential actions inside the human body, both intended and unintended. The authors aim to disentangle the known, unknown, possible and likely contents and objectives of COVID-19 injections, in the context of the surrounding corporate, political, and ideological landscape. They conclude that the social disruptions created by COVID-19 have served as a means of instigating rapid transition to what unelected policymakers have called a Bio-Nano Age.

Syllogistic Reasoning Demystifies Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Constituents

7000+ C19 Patients (0 Deaths). Cause: “Allergen to Spike Protein Man-Made Poison” [Testimony]

Dr. Chetty has personally successfully treated well over 7,000 Covid patients in South Africa since the beginning of the pandemic with on-label drugs. He investigated early on to devise a treatment regime to prevent people becoming critically ill and set up a tent in his parking lot where patients could be out in the sun and fresh air where he began his own clinical study, and through meticulous observation and examining each one of them personally, he was able to discern the nature of Covid-19 as a two-phase illness with a respiratory and an allergic phase. The allergen being the Spike Protein Man-Made Poison.

Dr. Shankara Chetty