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[Prof Nazar] C19 Vaccine-Bioweapon Genocide (paper & presentation)

Scientific proof of the PLANdemic with 2000+ peer-reviewed published references. At the very end of a very long 9-hour livestream in April 2022 was a presentation by Professor Federico A. Nazar on a paper he took 2 years to write that has been heavily censored online and in the academic world. It collates the majority of information we’ve all been researching into one paper, kicking the mainstream narrative to the curb.


The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert Kennedy, Jr.

The general public has been kept in the dark about the real Anthony Fauci, and the Corporate-Media is trying to convince them that Robert Kennedy Jr. is the “bad guy” and that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are the “good guys”. We are truly in an inverse world here – where evil has the mega-phone and the real “good guys” are getting decimated by the “bad guys”. This post contains lots of extracts from his book and a couple of videos where he goes through what you will find in the book.


Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker

Currently practicing Canadian MD of over 40 years reiterates what the thousands of other doctors have been saying all over the world about the safety of HCQ & Ivermectin, and how he came to realize these vaccines were not what they were telling us.


Dr. EV Rapiti

Another doctor calling out Fauci, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Gates, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media for Crimes against Humanity.


Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (2021) (+Refs & follow-up interviews)

Miguel Escobar – School Board Meeting (Viral video & documents). Yeah this is old (Mid-2021) but I’ve always wanted to compile the interviews and the documents and links and everything but didn’t have the time in 2021 when we were urgently and desperately trying to wake up our own communities before they got the entire world’s population to follow the pied piper…
