AGENDA 2030 (UN Trojan Horse)
Fraudulent Labelling: Agenda 2030 – The Way the United Nations is Dragging the World into the Abyss – the “New Normal” is for “The Common Good”, and other Lies.
Fraudulent Labelling: Agenda 2030 – The Way the United Nations is Dragging the World into the Abyss – the “New Normal” is for “The Common Good”, and other Lies.
Is there such a thing as the New World Order? Hollywood actor Amr Waked investigates whether the Bilderberg Group – a group of political and economic elites – is trying to control the world through capitalism. (Not sure why a Corporate News media funded by the government is posting this stuff… but maybe something like this will help others wake up to larger agendas in some way?)
“As I dug into the research of GMO and the patenting of seeds, I came across something that perked my ears up, and that was that the earliest research on GMO’s. was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. That interested me tremendously because I have spent years researching the Rockefeller machine – the Political machine of the most powerful family in America after WWII, and what I found out astonished even me.” Engdahl Lectures on the cohort renaming of Eugenics to Genetics and that GMO = Population Control.
Dr David Martin has uncovered this entire conspiracy with a paper trail of patents, grants, legislation changes, public official statements which debunk most of the Covid-19 Narrative. In this video he speaks to Aussie host Craig Schulze.
How & when money changed to IOU’s, International Monetary Fund, The World Bank – Jeremy Lee, 1995