[Ra] Densities, Law of One, Ascension, Wanderers and more
Jamie Butler interviews the collective “Ra” as channelled by Darshana Patel
Jamie Butler interviews the collective “Ra” as channelled by Darshana Patel
Work on yourself, be that which you want the world to be, and transform society. The Pyramid and the Pool: Why things are better than they seem [Martha Beck]
The lack of people calling me out on my shit is a shock to me.
Off to meet a facebook friend – ramble on the way about how we met through syncronicities
Need to resolve the thunderstorm asthma mystery because its possibly affecting me and others that I know. Talking about potential causes and my intended natural remedies.
Standing Rock is more than just protecting water – it’s standing up for your soul – for what’s right – it’s no longer conforming to that which is wrong.
Ramble about all believing our own stories and not glorifying yourself to others amongst other random thoughts about weather control, mind-control, cooperation with others is the key, and using spirituality as excuse for everything.
Expressing random thoughts about everything on my mind from nephews to conspiracy and natural healing
Logic vs Conspiracy vs New Earth vs 4d/5d vs Cosmic Disclosure vs Law of One vs 2nd coming of Jesus, etc.