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Spontaneous Healing of Belief [Book Notes]

I love synchronicity – a couple of days ago I decided to re-address the possibility that we are living in a virtual reality as simulations, and then I went to the library and got some books… and this one ended up being everything I was thinking about and have discussed in the past. This happens so often.. what we are needing / thinking about – we attract. I knew that this book would be based on beliefs, I didn’t know it would go into virtual realities and simulations. :)


[Ra] The Law Of One – Book 1

I didn’t resonate with the whole thing, actually it gave me the heeby-jeebies and some of it made me very uncomfortable or was extremely boring, but I took from it, little things that I resonate with at this time or things I want to ponder upon more, or things I really just didn’t understand when I was reading it, that I wanted to come back to have another look in more depth. Here are my notes from Book I
