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Morning Pages / Journal

Life is a game of illusion – Let’s Play!

Your job, as an infinite being – having been assigned this particular character is still to try and win the game. You came here to experience your creation through this character, and you want this character to experience all the bonus levels and joy you created for it to experience!


Step into the highest version of you.

You’ve already experienced everything before. If you want to experience anything in this dimension, you just pull/receive/download that energy into “this” you. Receive it and step into it, naturally, appreciate it, intend it, focus on it, receive it into existence, open your heart to receive it, this is the way you bring things into this creation, this is how you create it, you become aware of it.


You are the master builder of your own game, and the pawn to go in and play

You choose which “you” to experience in any timeline, in any world, in any dimension, in any place. All possibilities have already been created. You choose what your purpose is from the ‘you’ that you have stepped into. You choose which roadblocks and lessons to experience. You choose the level of suffering or triumph. Your imagination, intent and will is your time-machine and teleportation device. You choose which part of any creation you want to experience. You are the master builder of your own game, and the pawn to go in and experience what you created.


Releasing the “Guardians of your Soul” (the energies that are shielding you from living true)

If you find yourself sabotaging your friendships and relationships, still feeling “less than” or not worthy, not able to achieve abundance or your heart’s desires, still judging other infinite beings for not living the way you think they should live. Still trying to control outside circumstances to keep you safe, that you have walls or blockages that are trying to protect you, that are also blocking you from being able to fully experience what you came here for. To be you. The real you. The core of you.


The Download of Knowledge from Source

Finally sharing my March weird vision that I had. Yep, finally showing the world that I might actually be a little crazy… in the hopes of finding some like-minds that might not think this experience is crazy… so that I don’t have to book myself in.

speak your truth and the truth will be revealed

Why do humans need to question the ‘why’?

I don’t want to be delusional. I want to be ‘right’. Why do humans need to ask WHY, what is the truth about spirituality or religion. Are we just ants or parasites, or is there something more to us, something to the reason we have the ability or are conscious enough to question our own realities.

Why Ask Why

Discovering the truth from the ‘haters’

It would be nice to meet people who don’t bring out these ‘inner conflicts’ in me, but I think that’s asking a bit much. If you live in a world where everything is ‘rosy’, it’s ‘nice’ but not a lot of growing seems to happen when life is blissful – growing seems to accelerate when you are faced with things that challenge you.
