Why me? Why did this happen to me?
As long as an individual cannot find, cannot see any meaning, in his or her despair, he or she will certainly be experiencing peril and suffering.
As long as an individual cannot find, cannot see any meaning, in his or her despair, he or she will certainly be experiencing peril and suffering.
Notes from “The Philosopher’s Notes’ discussion” about the book: The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer Intention Serotonin Act ‘as If’ Making everything sacred. Saying ‘yes’ to life Connect to service, find your purpose in serving Be what you want/desire to […]
My personal notes from listening to a live discussion (a Philosopher’s Notes, Bali workshops), about the book: Man’s Search for Meaning. Although I have the book already, listening to the discussion made me want to write down all the great […]