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Free to be Me – Truth Journey (I’m a work-in-progress)

I suppress my truth on a daily basis – it’s suffocating — so this channel was for me to “get out” what is inside of me.. to discover who I am, find my truth, so that ultimately I become a better person on this journey and be able to help others – not trying to hurt anyone, though now I don’t know if that is unavoidable (I wish it was though).


[Big Rant] Fake Society. Our beliefs aren’t even OURS. Breakfree.

Become who you are – Stop wearing a mask & living a lie – Speak your Truth
There is nothing wrong with where we are at. Life is a journey of different perspectives & experiences. Our biggest fear is what other people think of us – and that was brainwashed into us – we are conditioned since birth to conform. To hold our tongue. It’s a hard habit to break because it’s automatic. Once you realize that your beliefs are not even your own – you are free to Question Everything and have absolute Empathy and understanding about where other people are – you realize that nothing is real, everything is fake – a mask. Time to start thinking for ourselves & allowing others to explore their truths / go through the process of un-brainwashing – even though none of us know what is real from our tiny perspective.


Conformity and Speaking your Truth [Video]

I’m going to speak about something that I think is pretty important.. something that I try and do but still constantly have to remind myself to do, and something I want you to think about whether you are truly living authentically with yourself and with your loved ones and other people you interact with. And that is speaking your truth.

conformity speak truth

Restructuring Negative Beliefs – Speaking your Truth and Dealing with “other people’s hurtful words”

Learning to let go of negative-automatic reactions through the speaking your truth and living authentically… dealing with dark moments by actually living through them – witnessing yourself and the event as if you are watching a movie trying to understand the characters and the why’s – rather than ignoring or suppressing the hurt feelings.

via pinterest.com

The Download of Knowledge from Source

Finally sharing my March weird vision that I had. Yep, finally showing the world that I might actually be a little crazy… in the hopes of finding some like-minds that might not think this experience is crazy… so that I don’t have to book myself in.

speak your truth and the truth will be revealed

Why do humans need to question the ‘why’?

I don’t want to be delusional. I want to be ‘right’. Why do humans need to ask WHY, what is the truth about spirituality or religion. Are we just ants or parasites, or is there something more to us, something to the reason we have the ability or are conscious enough to question our own realities.

Why Ask Why

Don’t we all challenge our existence?

I feel like I’m surrounded by empty shells, people who never question anything, just live a bs life – get a job, get a car, get a house, watch mindless tv or play games, make babies, blame everyone else for their problems, and believe everything they see on tv, really – that’s it? Why?
