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Henry Kissinger (villain)

[1994] Dr John Coleman – New World Order

A great insight into the ruling hierarchy of the global system, from the Committee of 300 and the Black Nobility of Venice, to the “clearing houses” of global policy, the Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and their many branches across the world.

Clubofrome Johncoleman

Australian MP George Christensen Stands Up

Australian MP calls for “Civil Disobedience” in the face of “Medical Apartheid” and says Premiers are “Drunk on Power” and “Trying to Out-Tyrant Each Other” – Another Interview with Robert Malone talks about the Population-Reduction agenda, and finally, another interview with Professor explains the mass-formation mass-hypnosis emerged from the covid crisis. Mass-formation is not a conspiracy theory.

Christensen Tyrant Aust