Senator Rennick to Office of Gene Technology & TGA | Spike Protein
I don’t know how Senator Rennick can stand being in the same room as Skerritt when he lies straight to his face and has destroyed so many lives.
I don’t know how Senator Rennick can stand being in the same room as Skerritt when he lies straight to his face and has destroyed so many lives.
Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) Medico Legal Summit 2022 calling to cancel the experimental gene therapy and call out the health regulators (TGA & AHPRA), and provide & Signatories for a Parliamentary Health Reform.
The British Medical Journal has just published a feature investigational piece to expose the drug regulators.
Senator Rennick calls for Australian health professionals to be able to openly speak about COVID policies without repercussions since they were gagged by “policy”.
“Because the vaccines are not fit for purpose, they should not be mandated or required, period—by an employer, by a government, by a business, by a school, by a sporting association or by a show association. No-one has the right to force someone to undergo a medical procedure, especially one that is ineffective, and, even more importantly, one that is dangerous. It is time to stop the vaccine rollout. It is time to stop the mandates. It is time to stop the vaccine discrimination, and it is time that governments stop the tyrannical overreach in the name of COVID.”
Senator Gerard Rennick – Anti-Discrimination Bill / COVID Vaccine Injuries
Bill Proposed & a Couple of Hearings trying to prevent vaccine discrimination and vaccine passports in Australia.
Just want to keep up-to-date whenever Ivermectin is mentioned in parliament hearings.