Browsing Archives

December 5, 2022

Dr Yanowitz’s “Connecting the Dots” Story

Interesting interview between Dr Shimon Yanowitz from Israel and Dr Tom Cowan about the covid narrative: connecting the dots between the 1918 injection-created pandemic, 1984, nanorobotics, 5G, CRISPR/Cas 9, DARPA, 9/11, GMO’s, Pesticides, the Human Genome Project, Internet of Things, Internet of Bodies, Elon Musk, Starlink, Pfizer, Moderna, Rockefellers, Fauci, mainstream media, Big Oil, the Financial Collapse, NWO, the need for a reduction in population, and more.


“Voice in your head” military weapon only you can hear & other mass-mind-control methods since the 1940s

I’d feel better about humanity losing their goddamn minds and any sense of a soul / empathy / heart, if I thought they weren’t just being brainwashed/scared-to-death by the media, and constantly being bombarded with 2+2=5 and anything else is censored or defined “misinformation”… but what if there’s some kind of extra-tech, some kind of helping-hand to “believe the narrative” by some kind of technology? According to the US Military, they’ve had mind-control technology for decades, and mass-mind-control investment dating back as far as you can go…
