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Glyphosate (herbicide – Monsanto – NWO)

[2013] The Hidden Agenda of Monsanto, GMOs, Rockefeller & Eugenics (Engdahl)

“As I dug into the research of GMO and the patenting of seeds, I came across something that perked my ears up, and that was that the earliest research on GMO’s. was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. That interested me tremendously because I have spent years researching the Rockefeller machine – the Political machine of the most powerful family in America after WWII, and what I found out astonished even me.” Engdahl Lectures on the cohort renaming of Eugenics to Genetics and that GMO = Population Control.


[NWO-Food] BioTech Franken-Foods – Lab-Foods in our Supermarkets

Time to grow our own and end this madness. Not only are they gene-editing humans, they’re also redesigning the genetic makeup of food, and it won’t be labelled “GMO” – they can cleverly engineer them so that they are only considered a “processing aid” which is not required to be disclosed on the packaging. What Lab-Foods are in our Supermarkets?


Virologist Luc Montagnier (1932- Feb 2022)

Luc Montagnier who died on the 8th of February 2022, confirmed HIV is in the Spike Protein and has been outspoken along with other virologists about not vaccinating during a pandemic and instead focusing on improving your innate immunity because vaccinating during a pandemic would cause mutant variants, among other warnings such as possible brain and neurological disorders. He is a French Virologist of 78 years and was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in the year 2008 for discovering the HIV virus and was scheduled to take a part in the Grand Jury Proceeding hearing on February 12, 2022. Just a few weeks ago, he spoke in the Luxembourg parliament against the mandates, calling the injections poison and not vaccines at all.
